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Welcome to my website. I'm Sam. More specifically: Sam Charles Prior, a multi-talented, multi-capable, creative, problem-solving, eccentric, human.         ...As far as I'm aware.


This site is one of many creations, entities I have helped into existence and one of many more to come.


It's a self-portrait. A Portrait Portfolio. A collection of imperfect reflections. They are not 'me'. In a nod to Magritte, "Ceci n'est pas moi."


I cannot convey all that I am and, even if I could, much would be lost in translation. But, should this website fulfil their purpose, we can form connections and you will have some understanding as to who, or what, I am.


...And possibly more than that.



Thank you for coming.


I hope we can thrive together.


The organisation of this website reflects the way we create and relate to everything. We make connections and, through integration, we are lead to action.










As I grow, my practice develops. I want to keep as sustainable as possible.


Our house is on fire, I intend to act accordingly.

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